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Cool stuff! A lot to discover.

for some reason i found a glitch when i asked someone and i leave him, the qestions still visible

in 4 days that's a very good game you are talented man

Couldn't do it without the efforts of this talented team

how are you doing this in 4 days span 👀

It revolves around not sleepin' and also dying of mental exhaustion


Couldn't finish the whole game, but there is a crazy amount of content, don't know how this relates to size yet, but I guess that comes later. 10/10 especially in this timeframe!

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Yeah there are some fun story beats at the end with 4 endings we kind of went crazy tying it in. But I do agree it is way to long for a jam with our playtest coming to a little more then 1,5 hours

What!? That's crazy omg, top 100 right here, only 4 people too, good work

We're as surprised as you that we finished it(mostly), in time. During the last hour (before the announcement of extended time to submit) we were scrambling to get all the dialogues in place.

This is class AF

Guys, this will be top 100!

quick question did you finish the demo

Very nice! Cool atmosphere. It might be hard to find thing to inspect, especially when they are the same color as background (makeshift bed I'm looking at you).

And I'm stuck at first mission with no idea what I'm missing, unfortunately.

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Thank's we are working on fixng some of the harder things to spot and are revisiting required information to point out a suspect. We also added a how to play couse I feel like

there wasn't anough said yet

Sounds cool! I definitely would revisit the game as jam's clock ends! Wanna find out who is that guy...
Feel free to check our submission, too. If you'll have the time of course. Feedback is always welcome!