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I should have specified that you aim with a mouse :V

HUGE IMPROVEMENT since the first time I play tested this. Very funny execution, and as a former retail worker myself this hit all my guilty pleasures of knocking some sense into shoppers. I loved the amount of UI you added. Well done, best to you m8.


Very fun game, the mechanics of throwing objects are also very good, good art for the purpose of the game, good sounds. I liked it

I just tried the last version of your game. I love the new weapons and the feeling with these. The sound that warm you when you weapon is about to break is a good idea.

Very nice. I will follow you to have a chance to play the full game. I like to over powerful weapon throwing , it’s pretty cool. I like the breakable weapons too. However letting corps on the ground when they are dead could add a good surprise, if you don’t know if the enemy will rise again. You maybe will have to much bodies on the scream with my idea.;)